
So this is recovery!

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글쓴이 : coconut

Aug. 22, 2009

Yesterday I got to see my friend play the piano at her church.
It was a wonderful feeling to be able to experience this moment with her.
To think, I almost missed this opportunity because of self pity and doubt caused by
my short comings.  Only if recovery was easy...then again it wouldn't be recovery
and I would never know I have problems.

When I saw my friend on stage, I was so proud of her.
In the beginning, when she first got the word that she would be playing the piano on stage
in front of a larger crowd, to people of the congregation, she was so scared
and she doubted she could do it.
With lots of practice and some coaching, she was able to overcome her fears and worries.
She played so beautifully and I got to be there.

When I was using...I missed a lot of moments in my life.    Moments I can never get back or go back to.
How precious life is. How much more precious it is when I get to share it with people I care for and love.

When I reflect on my friend and her piano...  I can see how recovery works, the piano,
sheet music, practice, coaching, and most importantly the person.

The piano and sheet music represented to me the tools of recovery like NA, CA, and AA
meeting and the 12 & 12. 
Her practicing the piano represented to me putting the tools into action without reservation
and continuing this until she achieved a level of comfortable. 
The coaching was very vital and key to security and a piece of mind that she was playing correctly.

In recovery I have a sponsor to assure me that I'm following in the right path and also what
I'm doing incorrectly.  Of course, this all takes willingness and an open mind to accept both
and to learn from it.
Last but not least of all my friend, she had to be the one to put all of this into action.
It took initiative.
She would have missed her moment had she not been willing and open minded to accept it.

This represents me in a way...All things have been made available for me, H.O.T,
Gilgal Ministry, Dr. Hong, meetings, 12 & 12, big book, bible, bible studies, and fellowship.
I would be missing out on more of my moments had I not been willing to accept what I was
so freely given.

Just for Today...I saw a little light and it is called HOPE...Thank God

JC 09-08-26 19:13답변

coconut ?
코 + nut ?

I know who you are and I wanna congratulate you for your
new way of life and God given wisodom.

Keep the pianist happy, ok ?

OdetoJoy 09-08-27 21:36답변 

I don't know who coconut is......

홍 연 09-08-31 10:30답변

For your information coconut's pianist friend is KC!!

지난 화요일 길갈모임에서 새로나오신 분이 제게
"중독자들 모임이라해서 모두 형편 없을 줄 알았는데 다 멀쩡하네요" 하셨습니다.
제가 "모두 얼마간 끊고 있어서 그래요. 끊은지 2주 정도만되도 얼굴이 달라진답니다."
그분이" 나도 끊어야 하는데...." 하며 말문을 흐리셨습니다.

예전에 길갈모임에서 KC옆에 말도 표정도 없이 앉아 있던 coconut님 기억합니다.
감사의 집에 온 이후로 점점 화색이 돌더니, 요즘은 좀 시끄럽게 생각될 정도로 변했습니다. ㅋㅋ
coconut님 이 지금 가지시고 계신 감사함과 , 소망, 기쁨 이 모든 것이 coconut님의 참 모습인데,
너무 오랬동안 뺏기고 사셨네요.

하지만 지금처럼 "ONE DAY AT A TIME!"을 계속 해 나가다보면  그 하루하루가 계속 쌓여서 오늘만이 아니고
계~~~~~속 이런 소망과 감사함으로 나아갈 수 있겠지요.

pianist 09-08-29 23:19답변

Pianist 라고 불리니 좋은걸!  하지만....  중독자랍니다.  - - ; ;

꼰대 09-08-30 01:55답변

중독자가 어때서 !?

; ; 는 당장 지우는 것이 - - ; ;

pianist 09-09-03 23:25답변

중독자가 어떠냐면요.....  축복입니다.  하나님도 만나고...장로님과 권사님도 만나고...또 같이 울고 웃는 가족들이 생겨서요..  중독자 화이팅!!!!

D.C. 09-09-04 05:01답변

아멘! 아멘!!!!


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