
My first experience as a GTD team member

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글쓴이 : coconut

After the third day of fasting, I really felt great. That was Friday. I really had to concentrate not to forget why I fasted and prayed for good results. Sunday was D-Day.
I was going to serve as a team member for GTD #143 women candidates, 102 total.
Though someone told me to go, I was reluctant.
This was a big function and I really felt uncomfortable.
I mean most of the team members are really strong Christians and I was feeling like I didn't belong.  Grade school moment, not part of the in-crowd.
When I went as a candidate, I would watch the team members walking around from
there to here and here to there not knowing what exactly that they were doing.
As I was working as a team member, I was amazed at the amount of work being done.
Everyone had their part and nobody complained about the amount of work or lack of sleep.
They do their work with a smile. I didn't understand what they were so happy about until later.

Through our efforts, we got to watch the transformation in the candidates day by day
until the last day.  The release, the glow and the smile on their faces as they waved
goodbye to us on the bus.
The one moment I won't forget is when I was standing in the guideline and one of the
candidate could be heard thanking each and everyone of us standing in the guideline
including me.  I peeked up at her and saw her face filled with thankfulness and tears of joy
streaming from her eyes.  I was really tired that particular day and standing in the guideline
was an effort because I had strained my back.  Something about the words "thank you"
struck a chord in my body and I just felt strengthened.  Pain or no pain, it was worth it all.
My small part in the whole event meant a lot to her and I got to be a part of it.
I'm really fortunate to have someone to push me when I need a push in spite of myself.
Listening to him and following his direction was the best decision I ever made in a long, long time.
Just for Today...life feels good...Thank God.

홍 연 09-10-06 23:51답변

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